booest fidgeting with his camera bellamy stacking bottles out of boredom stacks of satay laid out for buffet other catered food, plus the steamy curry made by crazy sushi sponsored by Dr_disciple cant remember his name ,playing with the tricked out asus Eee pc with 16gb SSD!
went out with friend raymond to sim lim square, took the bus 56 and the bus broke down (no air-con) i hastily took off, but raymond took the chance to get a free complimentary ride after scanning his ezlink card at the reader. raymond went to sim lim square 5th floor bell systems to buy a new harddisk from samsung 500gb $16X and a new keyboard for $16? i bought nothing though, half asleep at that time after working late in the nite before. then went to bugis junction saw the food junction converted to small rows of eateries, think i long time no go bugis junction liao, about half a yr bah, so much has changed the next day raymond set up his com with cross fire 2 x2900xt power!
xenon flash rocks in a completely dark room! i almost blinded myself when i took a self portrait , with the afterimage of the 2 slits of lights burning through my retina during the next few minutes. just a normal night scene taken from the corridor outside my block, using the nite scenery options at default. the flash seems to bleed into the lens in both shots
i took these photos on saturday 15.12.07 with n82 my new phone on 13.12.07, and the pictures turn out to be very nice! forgive me for my unsteady hands, pictures are a bit blurry at times
here's another , while i dig the youtube threads for more. it seems with this movie 881 suddenly getai mostly (hokkien songs) becomes the hot karaoke favorites this season!
have not been posting much liao, ever since my mum discharged from hosp 30.06.07, did not take much pictures , just recently 08.07.07 changed my hp, to a china phone kaiqi g3300 watching tv, next time i get a better camera phone from china then maybe i start posting pictures.
for the time being just write stuffs.
my mum ever since discharged, has been relying on her broad stand ($28) from the AMK-THKH pharmacy, then recently i saw inside guardian pharmacy in toa payoh central selling for $18!.
she gets by in the house by walking with a stick, i ordered food for her from a caterer called BEST catering ($180 per mth) for her dinner and lunch is being delivered by touch home care by referrals from the hospital which is $80 per mth, (could be lower but because i have no subsidy 0% from the government)
she gets on the taxi using her left leg from the left side, then with her butts facing outwards pulls her right leg in with both her hands, pretty awkward way to get into the taxi, but its to be expected since the surgery on the right leg was just a month ago 20.05.07
she can't squat or reach for anything below the knee, since she cant bend down, and takes some effort in to getting up from bed or the sofa, a chair has been placed in the bathroom for her to take her showers.
at nite, adult diapers ($7.65 for 10 control plus) is a must since she could not walk fast enough to visit the toilet , but during the day its ok. a commode chair is not necessary as she is not bed ridden.
provisions have to be made such as helping her clean up the utensils after she finishs her food, as she may have trouble carrying all the empty dishes to the basin, but she does the washing of the utensils by herself at the basin, she can stand by her legs at the basin, needs the stand to walk however.
the tv and other switches have to be left on standby, as she cannot reach it (she has short hands), she uses the remote to watch tv, one of her favorite activities. clothes are rearranged to the upper tier in the wardrobe for easy access.
she boils her own water using a kettle, manages somehow to turn the switch for the LPG gas container which is slightly lower then her knee. will one day get by without a stand.
not promoting for cathay, but how come toa payoh doesnt have this kind of theaters?! toa payoh is fast becoming a boring place for movies goers with eng wah and its 5 theatres. zone x besides it not opened yet ice cube with cathay carved into it the the trademarks at the top. 8 theatres !
took my mum to TTSH for appt in clinic B1A at B1 , waited at the queue from 1010 hrs till 1100 hrs , met with the doctor for less then 10 minutes! the doctor check her wounds at the incision area, said something " the wounds are ok" and "let her walk" and gave an appt on 06.aug.07 for an x-ray and thats it! $23 gone! after which i brought my mum to the food court to eat sambal fried rice $4, which she could not finish and i had to eat the rest with mine 'san lao he fen' $4.50, almost busted mine stomach.
the ambulance ride was $55 for round trip and we came back to amk-thkh at about 12.50pm,she could walk a bit from the wheelchair to her bed now, painkillers were stopped also.
went out with my friend on saturday 09.06.07 and he bought all these except the psu for his new computer rig at sls. all these for $1583 in a week! patroit drr2 800mhz 1gb $75 a piece, sata optical dvd-rw $65, coolmaster stacker 810 $249, silverstone olympus 1000W $500 and lastly the spanking new powercolor ati 2900xt $619
i found this room while strolling around in amk hub 4th floor, the cathay cinemas are opening in june and there's this room titled jackpot nearby. upon closer inspection , there's a sign saying member's only (ntuc link card) ntuc will sell anything and anything to make money! a peep inside the room shows jackpot machines (40 of them) with nice big screens showing cherries, lucky sevens, and lots of other types of machines. i could not have say the location of this place is but the best, right next to the bus terminal , this room will enjoy the good business for many years until the IR is set up. but then IR is a much more restricted place , hence this jackpot room is much more closer to the masses (aunties and uncles)
went for a class reunion for my secondary school mates, most of them from the class 4SB, one from 4SA, a total of 10 ppl.
my how times have flies! it almost 14 years , i really have not met some of them for 14 years liao!! most of them have not changed much except horizontally (more fat in the tummies) but the face is still about the same.
one notable class mate Kor Kian Beng is working in The News Paper as a journalist, kinda the jokes man in this gathering together with miki xu wei xiong a wokring auditor (i alomst could not recognise him cos his face much more rounded then before).
huang wei xiong working in the government sector ICA as some officer in the section handling death and birth (of passports!)Issac works in a shipping company selling diesel oil fuel to ships.
Su zhi kuan works in laselle as a auditor, Lee Koon Heng works as engineer in turbine overhaul systems, Zhuang fook ann as a electrical engineer, Koh Kian boon as a pharmcist in SGH,zhang guo liang as a bio teacher in VJC ( he's getting married in sept aboard a boat "zheng he" and that might be our next class meeting!)
below is a class photo taken in 1992-3 , see if u can pick me out? hint: i sit at the extreme left.