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went to the 30th anniversary of NYJC on saturday 28.04.07, hoping to see some long lost classmates from the year 94-95, (gosh that's 12 years ago!)
some shoots of the new school compound!

the soccer field and its surrounding HDB blocks remains unchanged.
same old soccer field, i believe the school still let the public make use of its soccer fields during weekends, more school should do that too!
but the PE block disappeared, now replaced by tennis courts
along the corridor of the new 4 or is it 5? storey school complex

celebrations during the big day!

how the classrooms look like now, compared to my time, there is even a projector at the ceiling (not in picture)
the entrance off serangooon ave 3 , if u look carefully , you could see Mr Wan (chemistry) walking towards the speakers in the centre
teacher's office right opposite. this time i just strolled in to find my teachers, realised some has already left to another school or retired.
the time capsule was buried during 1993 , they are opening it in 2007. some old relics (wan tan mee bowls!,old class registers, class list of 1993!) are kept inside
from left : Koh Kian Hong, Zhuang Fook Ann, Lee Koon Heng ,Xu Wei Xiong (class of 1994-1995)
Mrs Heng (physics)
now the school so big liao!

big new benches, i still remember i used to sleep during laboratory sessions!
the laboratory block where all the labs are, think this one is chemistry lab
health and fitness room , where the air conditioned gym is , so shiok!
another shoot from the sports block view point
the MPH air conditioned!
Together We Build! school 's motto
quite a crowd at about 3 pm

Siang Lin and stanley

the old chin up bars are still around
Education minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam on stage giving a speech at about 6.30pm
Koh Kian Hong ( pharmacist SGH)
after the speech comes the food!
choir singing the NYJC school song it goes like this
chocolate fondue!

jenny's (my classmate , now a teacher in NYJC) cute little girl! more photos in another post.
this one however is not jenny's boy.
Birthday cake for 30th anniversary!